Tant Sannie’s
Dessert Recipes

Lekerrrr Flapjacks

Try this recipe with your friends! The perfect dessert made with Tant' Sannie se Melktert.


  • 250ml Cake wheat flour
  • 5ml Baking powder
  • 50ml White granulated sugar
  • Pinch of salt
  • 200ml Full cream milk
  • 50ml Tant Sannie se Melktert
  • 1 large egg


Add all dry ingredients together: Flour, baking powder, sugar and salt In a separate bowl mix all of your wet ingredients: Milk, Tant Sannie se Melktert and egg. Mix all of the ingredients together until the batter is smooth and lump free Put a pan on moderate heat and flip the flapjack until it’s thoroughly cooked through and golden brown on both sides.